Monday, April 16, 2012

Plant Quiz Solved: Cardamine rotundifolia, Round-leaved Bittercress

 Kudos to DenPro for correctly identifying this species as Cardamine rotundifolia, Round-leaved Bittercress!  Woodswalker was certainly not wrong but I was waiting for a more specific answer to appear!  This is our native watercress and can be found in clear, rocky streams; wet woods; and seepage areas throughout its range from the southern Appalachians in Tennessee and North Carolina, up through the Allegheny plateau and into New York state.  Once state-listed in Ohio, it has since been removed from the list but still remains as a rather uncommon species found in a dozen or so scattered southeastern counties.

Following the same theme as my botanically-themed blogging friends over at Get Your Botany On!, I figured I'd start posting quick plant quizzes every once-in-a-while for interested folks to participate in.  Read the short description below and peruse the accompanying photograph then feel free to I.D. the plant or just throw out a guess!  You don't have to be signed in or a follower to comment; it's open for anyone and everyone to try!

This plant was photographed in Jackson county, Ohio on April 14, 2012.  The photograph is focused on its leaves but the flowers and habitat can also be seen in the back/foregrounds.

American Bittercress - Cardamine rotundifolia


  1. Looks a bit like Watercress to me, but there are lots of these early mustards that aren't included in the wildflower guides. Does this one grow in northern NY?

  2. I hate guessing and being wrong. I suppose it's better than saying you know for sure, and then being told otherwise. Looks like a Spring Cress, but the upper leaves seem too oval. Maybe C. rotundifolia, Round-leaved Bittercress, also called Watercress?

  3. Woodswalker, I counted your answer as correct but was waiting to see if a more specific answer would present itself. I still consider your answer correct though in calling it Watercress :) It is native to New York but is rather rare and only in a few counties; mostly in the western half of the state.

    Dennis, excellent answer! It does present itself a lot like Spring Cress but as you mentioned the leaves just did not match up.
